Ping Zhou, 2020-12-13
上次讨论了量子机器学习框架TensorFlow Quantum的Hello World,这次看一下另一个应用:量子神经网络。
注:本文根据TensorFlow Quantum的MNIST示例整理:https://www.tensorflow.org/quantum/tutorials/mnist
这个示例是基于谷歌在2018年发表的一篇论文“Classification with Quantum Neural Networks on Near Term Processors”。 在这篇论文中,作者Farhi等人提出了将量子电路和神经网络的结合起来实现二元分类的一种方案,主要思路是这样:
- 将训练输入看作是二进制的字串,把其中每个比特转换成量子比特,例如0对应 \(|0\rangle\) ,1对应 \(|1\rangle\) ;
- 创建一个量子电路,输入端有N+1个量子比特,其中N个量子比特对应输入的字串长度,另有一个read out量子比特,用来输出分类结果;
- 量子电路内部,用一组带参数的门连接起来,具体用什么门以及如何连接,似乎没有特别的要求,在文章里作者经过试验选用了带参数的XX和ZZ门。每个门带有一个控制参数(例如 \({XX}^\alpha\) )。如果量子电路有32个这样的门,那么就有32个参数需要学习;
- 把量子电路作为神经网络的一层,输入训练集和标签,学习控制参数。
把量子电路看作神经网络的一层,那么输入训练集里的字串,从它的read out那里读出分类结果,和训练标签比较,产生loss,然后反馈给神经网络进行梯度下降。经过训练,模型会学习到一组量子电路的参数,用这组参数控制量子电路,就能对未知的输入作出准确的分类预测。

这个思路看起来不难,可以用TensorFlow Quantum实现,实际上整个示例,模型部分是很简单的,主要工作在于数据处理。
import tensorflow as tf import tensorflow_quantum as tfq import cirq import sympy import numpy as np import seaborn as sns import collections # visualization tools %matplotlib inline import matplotlib.pyplot as plt from cirq.contrib.svg import SVGCircuit
(x_train, y_train), (x_test, y_test) = tf.keras.datasets.mnist.load_data() # Rescale the images from [0,255] to the [0.0,1.0] range. x_train, x_test = x_train[..., np.newaxis]/255.0, x_test[..., np.newaxis]/255.0 print("Number of original training examples:", len(x_train)) print("Number of original test examples:", len(x_test))
Number of original training examples: 60000 Number of original test examples: 10000
def filter_36(x, y): keep = (y == 3) | (y == 6) x, y = x[keep], y[keep] y = y == 3 return x,y x_train, y_train = filter_36(x_train, y_train) x_test, y_test = filter_36(x_test, y_test) print("Number of filtered training examples:", len(x_train)) print("Number of filtered test examples:", len(x_test))
Number of filtered training examples: 12049 Number of filtered test examples: 1968
plt.imshow(x_train[0, :, :, 0])

x_train_small = tf.image.resize(x_train, (4,4)).numpy() x_test_small = tf.image.resize(x_test, (4,4)).numpy() print(x_train_small.shape)
(12049, 4, 4, 1)
print(y_train[0]) plt.imshow(x_train_small[0,:,:,0], vmin=0, vmax=1) plt.colorbar()

def remove_contradicting(xs, ys): mapping = collections.defaultdict(set) # Determine the set of labels for each unique image: for x,y in zip(xs,ys): mapping[tuple(x.flatten())].add(y) new_x = [] new_y = [] for x,y in zip(xs, ys): labels = mapping[tuple(x.flatten())] if len(labels) == 1: new_x.append(x) new_y.append(list(labels)[0]) else: # Throw out images that match more than one label. pass num_3 = sum(1 for value in mapping.values() if True in value) num_6 = sum(1 for value in mapping.values() if False in value) num_both = sum(1 for value in mapping.values() if len(value) == 2) print("Number of unique images:", len(mapping.values())) print("Number of 3s: ", num_3) print("Number of 6s: ", num_6) print("Number of contradictory images: ", num_both) print() print("Initial number of examples: ", len(xs)) print("Remaining non-contradictory examples: ", len(new_x)) return np.array(new_x), np.array(new_y) x_train_nocon, y_train_nocon = remove_contradicting(x_train_small, y_train)
Number of unique images: 10387 Number of 3s: 4961 Number of 6s: 5475 Number of contradictory images: 49 Initial number of examples: 12049 Remaining non-contradictory examples: 11520
THRESHOLD = 0.5 x_train_bin = np.array(x_train_nocon > THRESHOLD, dtype=np.float32) x_test_bin = np.array(x_test_small > THRESHOLD, dtype=np.float32)
然后开始搭量子电路,首先是输入量子比特,根据像素是0还是1,准备对应的 \(|0\rangle\) 和 \(|1\rangle\) :
def convert_to_circuit(image): """Encode truncated classical image into quantum datapoint.""" values = np.ndarray.flatten(image) qubits = cirq.GridQubit.rect(4, 4) circuit = cirq.Circuit() for i, value in enumerate(values): if value: circuit.append(cirq.X(qubits[i])) return circuit x_train_circ = [convert_to_circuit(x) for x in x_train_bin] x_test_circ = [convert_to_circuit(x) for x in x_test_bin]
x_train_tfcirc = tfq.convert_to_tensor(x_train_circ) x_test_tfcirc = tfq.convert_to_tensor(x_test_circ)
class CircuitLayerBuilder(): def __init__(self, data_qubits, readout): self.data_qubits = data_qubits self.readout = readout def add_layer(self, circuit, gate, prefix): for i, qubit in enumerate(self.data_qubits): symbol = sympy.Symbol(prefix + '-' + str(i)) circuit.append(gate(qubit, self.readout)**symbol)
例如,如果输入是2x2的图像,那么我们有5个输入,电路是这样:(第一行那个就是read out)
demo_builder = CircuitLayerBuilder(data_qubits = cirq.GridQubit.rect(4,1), readout=cirq.GridQubit(-1,-1)) circuit = cirq.Circuit() demo_builder.add_layer(circuit, gate = cirq.XX, prefix='xx') SVGCircuit(circuit)
完整的电路有17个输入(4x4图像,加一个read out),作者用了16个XX门和16个ZZ门,因此一共有32个参数:
def create_quantum_model(): """Create a QNN model circuit and readout operation to go along with it.""" data_qubits = cirq.GridQubit.rect(4, 4) # a 4x4 grid. readout = cirq.GridQubit(-1, -1) # a single qubit at [-1,-1] circuit = cirq.Circuit() # Prepare the readout qubit. circuit.append(cirq.X(readout)) circuit.append(cirq.H(readout)) builder = CircuitLayerBuilder( data_qubits = data_qubits, readout=readout) # Then add layers (experiment by adding more). builder.add_layer(circuit, cirq.XX, "xx1") builder.add_layer(circuit, cirq.ZZ, "zz1") # Finally, prepare the readout qubit. circuit.append(cirq.H(readout)) return circuit, cirq.Z(readout)
model_circuit, model_readout = create_quantum_model()
然后,把量子电路接入到TensorFlow的神经网络模型里。量子电路用TensorFlow Quantum的PQC (Parameterized Quantum Circuit)封装,前文说到过,PQC的输出是期望值(-1到1之间)。
# Build the Keras model. model = tf.keras.Sequential([ # The input is the data-circuit, encoded as a tf.string tf.keras.layers.Input(shape=(), dtype=tf.string), # The PQC layer returns the expected value of the readout gate, range [-1,1]. # model_readout is operator cirq.Z(readout) tfq.layers.PQC(model_circuit, model_readout), ])
# Labels in y_train_nocon/y_test are booleans, convert them to [-1,1] y_train_hinge = 2.0*y_train_nocon-1.0 y_test_hinge = 2.0*y_test-1.0
def hinge_accuracy(y_true, y_pred): y_true = tf.squeeze(y_true) > 0.0 y_pred = tf.squeeze(y_pred) > 0.0 result = tf.cast(y_true == y_pred, tf.float32) return tf.reduce_mean(result)
model.compile( loss=tf.keras.losses.Hinge(), optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(), metrics=[hinge_accuracy]) print(model.summary())
Model: "sequential" _________________________________________________________________ Layer (type) Output Shape Param # ================================================================= pqc (PQC) (None, 1) 32 ================================================================= Total params: 32 Trainable params: 32 Non-trainable params: 0 _________________________________________________________________ None
EPOCHS = 3 BATCH_SIZE = 32 # Previously defined: # x_train_circ = [convert_to_circuit(x) for x in x_train_bin] # x_test_circ = [convert_to_circuit(x) for x in x_test_bin] # Each pixel is a qubit, and if pixel is 0 it's |0> or else it's |1> (by applying X gate) # x_train_tfcirc = tfq.convert_to_tensor(x_train_circ) # x_test_tfcirc = tfq.convert_to_tensor(x_test_circ) NUM_EXAMPLES = len(x_train_tfcirc) # Use a smaller subset for shorter training, for example: # NUM_EXAMPLES = 500
x_train_tfcirc_sub = x_train_tfcirc[:NUM_EXAMPLES] y_train_hinge_sub = y_train_hinge[:NUM_EXAMPLES] qnn_history = model.fit( x_train_tfcirc_sub, y_train_hinge_sub, batch_size=32, epochs=EPOCHS, verbose=1, validation_data=(x_test_tfcirc, y_test_hinge)) qnn_results = model.evaluate(x_test_tfcirc, y_test)
Epoch 1/3 360/360 [==============================] - 260s 724ms/step - loss: 0.5884 - hinge_accuracy: 0.7721 - val_loss: 0.3951 - val_hinge_accuracy: 0.8135 Epoch 2/3 360/360 [==============================] - 269s 746ms/step - loss: 0.3551 - hinge_accuracy: 0.8803 - val_loss: 0.3362 - val_hinge_accuracy: 0.8579 Epoch 3/3 360/360 [==============================] - 281s 781ms/step - loss: 0.3343 - hinge_accuracy: 0.8709 - val_loss: 0.3402 - val_hinge_accuracy: 0.9068 62/62 [==============================] - 5s 86ms/step - loss: 0.3402 - hinge_accuracy: 0.9068
def create_fair_classical_model(): # A simple model based off LeNet from https://keras.io/examples/mnist_cnn/ model = tf.keras.Sequential() model.add(tf.keras.layers.Flatten(input_shape=(4,4,1))) model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(2, activation='relu')) model.add(tf.keras.layers.Dense(1)) return model model = create_fair_classical_model() model.compile(loss=tf.keras.losses.BinaryCrossentropy(from_logits=True), optimizer=tf.keras.optimizers.Adam(), metrics=['accuracy']) model.summary()
Model: "sequential_2" _________________________________________________________________ Layer (type) Output Shape Param # ================================================================= flatten_1 (Flatten) (None, 16) 0 _________________________________________________________________ dense_2 (Dense) (None, 2) 34 _________________________________________________________________ dense_3 (Dense) (None, 1) 3 ================================================================= Total params: 37 Trainable params: 37 Non-trainable params: 0 _________________________________________________________________
model.fit(x_train_bin, y_train_nocon, batch_size=128, epochs=20, verbose=0, validation_data=(x_test_bin, y_test)) fair_nn_results = model.evaluate(x_test_bin, y_test)
62/62 [==============================] - 0s 511us/step - loss: 0.2666 - accuracy: 0.9141
qnn_accuracy = qnn_results[1] # cnn_accuracy = cnn_results[1] fair_nn_accuracy = fair_nn_results[1] sns.barplot(["Quantum", "Classical, fair"], [qnn_accuracy, fair_nn_accuracy])

总的来说,我感觉这个方案是量子计算在神经网络里的direct drop-in,很直观,但是如作者在论文中讨论的,应该有能够更好发挥量子计算内在并行性的方法。